
Showing posts from October, 2020

Text games to shooting games

 Unreal as it stands did not appear out of thin air. Some expertise was gained in managing data, built against shipped product - continuously proving and adding value to the core arcbitecture. The only way I can see to do that well without such proofs is to look at test driven development.

Go back to the analogue version to understand the idea better

Seeing the result of something polished and evolved hides the information about how it was put together and makes it harder to understand I often made the mistake of thinking the analogue version is a distraction - why should I be thinking of special relativity in terms of trains and people standing on platforms. The problem is that the modern equivalents are not updated and you need to go back and understand what the original equipment did as well as understand the models and ideas derived from them, and the analogy stops working. It's a difficult balance.  Once you do grok the analogy, you can turn to it whenever you need to remember the principle and derive from it again, more easily than working back from the results. There's a directionality and you can find yourself working against the stream. Projection matrix 1. Pinhole camera model. Simple equation is generated, complexity comes in generalising for 3 and 4 component vectors. 2. Homohenous coordinates use redundancy in ...

did we make mistakes with coding patterns

Did we stop at 23 and decide that was it, we've solved it. If not, why does it feel like we're stuck with the ones we have? Why did they solidify? 

two streams or more

 it's okay to work on several projects at a time Optimise primarily for onboard or time to switch Keep work log, one for each project?

coin operated parallels

penny arcades were a thing  duck hunt came from shooting galleries at fairs super hang-on has metal and machinary equivalents baked terrain is like matte boards behind vector graphics screens in some arcade machines AR is mixing these up

Your output creates texture

how do I get better at understanding systems

 Map them out, look at existing maps It is easier to see relationships diagrammatically It is easier to draw flows that way too


I'm going to organise any future posts I write here as organic and changing pages, as a collection of evidences about topics I'm thinking of added to as and when I find things related to them.