Itchy toe

I don't know if you have listened to our introductory podcast but I mentioned that I am waiting for an inspiration or something to happen to me that will be worth writing about as my first post. Writing about my itchy toe may not be an ideal topic to talk about as my first post, but it was the reason why I was up most of the night. What triggered this? I have no clue. My mind was playing tricks on me and it was probably getting a kick out of it! I honestly felt I was experiencing a sever case of inflammation which would ultimately result in a lost of my toe. All I was saying to myself over and over again was: ‘Not my toe…Not my toe… Not my precious big toe’.

I tried to man-up by sleeping through the pain that did not work. Therefore, I conjured enough energy to get out my bed, ran straight to the shower, and poured cold water over my itchy toe to numb the sensation. “It worked” I screamed, almost waking up my family. As soon as I got back to my cozy bed and finally looking forward to falling asleep, it came back but this time more menacing as if punching me for even trying to deal with it in the first place. I momentarily cried and opted that maybe cutting my toe would be the only resolution. What do I do now? Do I continue to sulk and pray that it goes away or be a big baby and call the only one that can maybe help me in this anguishing quest for a cure… mummy?

Thankfully, I didn't have to call my mum as she got out of her room. She was having trouble sleeping. I told my mum exactly what was up with my toe and my mum being herself laughed hysterically with all her teeth showing and said: “How on earth are you going to get married if you complain over something like this?” I shrugged it off and replied: “Look mum, I am in pain and I need you to help me please! She had a look and suggested that I wash my toe with hot water mixed with salt. I agreed and went downstairs to the kitchen heating up the water and adding salt to it. I was now ready to give it ago. I slowly placed my whole foot in the bowl containing the semi-hot water and at the same biting my tongue. After five minutes of washing and rubbing my toe I stopped and dried it with a towel. Now I had to patiently wait to see if it worked. I could no longer feel the irritation around my toe… YES! I slept like a baby after that painful ordeal thanks to my mum!.

So if you ever experience the ‘Itchy toe syndrome’ try hot water with salt it will do the trick. How exactly it works? I can't answer.


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